In a roundabout way, the story of Chameleon Tattoo begins in Australia, 1959.

That was the year Leon's father, Les Bowen, began tattooing in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley.

At that time, tattooing was a very underground and little spoken of industry with only a handful of very tight-lipped operators in the business. With natural flair and a keen desire Les was soon a very successful tattoo artist, operating several studios mostly in and around Sydney. Then, in 1980, he moved with his young family to Townsville in North Queensland, where he continues to operate the World Famous Second Skin Tattoo.

Now with over 50 years’ experience, Les' passion and talent has earned him the respect and admiration of peers, clients and enthusiasts the world over. A tattoo industry legend, Les has earned Honourary Life Memberships to the Professional Tattoo Association of Australia, The National Tattoo Association (based in America) and the exclusive Japan Tattoo Club.

Along the way, Les launched many other artists into successful tattooing careers, including Leon, who began tattooing at Second Skin in 1993 and now runs Chameleon Tattoo, where he strives to continue his father's tradition of quality workmanship and professionalism.

Les Bowen tattooing Cindy Ray